Bloomfield Hills Country Club is located on the north side of Long Lake Road (Eighteen Mile Road) between Woodward Avenue and Lahser Road, approximately 1/4 mile West of Woodward Avenue in Bloomfield Hills.
Google maps
Coming North or South on I-75
Take the Square Lake Road Exit #75. Proceed west on Square Lake Road to Woodward Avenue. Turn right on Woodward. Make a Michigan left turn and proceed south on Woodward Avenue approximately one mile to Long Lake Road. Turn right on Long Lake Road. Bloomfield Hills Country Club is located 1/4 mile from Woodward Avenue on the north (or right-hand) side.
Coming from Downtown Detroit or Canada
Take the Lodge expressway to the Telegraph Road Exit. Proceed north on Telegraph to Long Lake Road. Turn right on Long Lake Road. Pass Lahser Road and continue 3/4 of a mile on the north side of the street.
Coming East from Lansing or outstate Michigan
Go east on I-696 to the Telegraph Road Exit. Proceed north on Telegraph to Long Lake Road. Turn right on Long Lake Road. Pass Lahser Road and continue 3/4 of a mile on the north side of the street.